The Man of Legends by Kenneth Johnson Summary: skip it! Politically correct, stupid, plain, puppet show, cartoon characters. First, I hate Washington Irving. He said, show, not tell. A sound advice, but every idiot trying to be an author puts it to an extreme. You will learn a lot of things, you never wanted to know in the first place. And not relevant to the story either. Secondary heroes are picked by a neoliberal Bible: a bag lady, an afro-american, a mixed race teen from a troubled family and a neighborhood, ... You will learn the color of their eyes, the intimate details of their dress, their family history,... Did I mentioned the word neoliberal? The author will confess how bad person he (she) was and how he/she is sorry for that. Enjoy. Of course, the main hero is a do-goody, helping all those underprivileged, and of course hunted by the World Evil... no, in this case not Russians, the...
Это блог о прочитанных книгах. На память. Что стоит читать, о чем лучше забыть, а кого точно не стоит читать. А то бывает, прочитаешь книжку, а через несколько лет никак не вспомнить ни автора, ни название. Или наоборот, вроде бы читал этого автора, попробую-ка еще... а-а-а! А тут все сразу будет под рукой. Вот и все.